And lately, rumors have been circulating about an Erin Andrews peephole video. No one knew for sure, but the video showed up on an Internet web page known for voyeuristic video for a few days. Still, no one knew for sure if it was Erin Andrews of ESPN (hotness) fame.
However, the unknown became known when ESPN decided to get involved at a legal level. Clearly, if the video had not been of Erin Andrews, then ESPN would have not needed to get involved. But they sent this letter to the website owners who published the video:
I am the General Counsel of ESPN, Inc. It has come to my attention that you have posted on your site pictures of a young, blonde woman . . . These pictures were obviously taken through a peephole or otherwise in a fashion constituting a trespass/assault on the rights of the woman involved. Your continued posting of these pictures are highly likely to render you an accessory after the fact to a criminal act. We hereby demand that you (i) immediately remove these pictures from your site and (ii) disclose to us the source of the pictures. We intend to hold you fully responsible for further display of material that so obviously violates the law.
Going even fruther, Andrews’ lawyers got into the fray:
“While alone in the privacy of her hotel room, Erin Andrews was surreptitiously videotaped without her knowledge or consent. She was the victim of a crime and is taking action to protect herself and help ensure that others are not similarly violated in the future. Although the perpetrator or perpetrators of this criminal act have not yet been identified, when they are identified she intends to bring both civil and criminal charges against them and against anyone who has published the material. We request respect of Erin’s privacy at this time, while she and her representatives are working with the authorities.”
Because of these legal threats, the Erin Andrews peephole video that was leaked has been taken down. However, some people report still being able to watch it via Google Cache although we were not able to reproduce this effect.